About the Relle

Born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand I was nearing my completion of the tried and true steps to becoming an adult. University? check! Job of 2 years? Check! Living independently away from home? Check! Ready for something more challenging and a whole lot bigger than Auckland, I moved to Berlin in April 2010. As a Kiwi, avoiding an OE is about as unlikely as Tom Cruise converting to sanity, although choosing Berlin made for a pretty bold move. Not being ready for adulthood and frightened by the multitude of friends marrying and contemplating children..it was time to gap. Armed with very little comprehension of the German language but a big yearning for all things unknown we set off on one big year adventure. I aim to provide insight into life on the other side and hopefully convince all those doubtful kids out there that you can conquer Berlin!

30 January 2011

get me some bangs

I realise this blog is supposed to be all things Berlin so my post is slightly unrelated. However, when I stumbled upon this website today I just couldn't turn down spreading the word. After a fairly big night of eating chilli and drinking too many tequila shots, this has been the perfect activity for a slow Sunday. For the girlies who may be contemplating a new 'do'. You can thank me later;)
Style your hair silly


  1. I love this! I've totally tried on different hairstyles, but sadly just slap mine up into a pony tail. Every day. You look great in bangs! Thanks for stopping by my site, keep on reporting on Berlin!! Best wishes from ochsenfurt, tj

  2. TJ so glad you gave it a whirl! I'm a pony tail girl as well. Funnily enough those bangs were up for comical relief so highly unsuited I would say. Anyway thanks for the comment and your blog is an awesome read:)
