About the Relle

Born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand I was nearing my completion of the tried and true steps to becoming an adult. University? check! Job of 2 years? Check! Living independently away from home? Check! Ready for something more challenging and a whole lot bigger than Auckland, I moved to Berlin in April 2010. As a Kiwi, avoiding an OE is about as unlikely as Tom Cruise converting to sanity, although choosing Berlin made for a pretty bold move. Not being ready for adulthood and frightened by the multitude of friends marrying and contemplating children..it was time to gap. Armed with very little comprehension of the German language but a big yearning for all things unknown we set off on one big year adventure. I aim to provide insight into life on the other side and hopefully convince all those doubtful kids out there that you can conquer Berlin!

02 September 2010

Vegetarisch ab Wedding

Ok so here goes, my first official kebab rating.  I like the number 5 so everything will be rated out of 5, innovative I know.  Given I am not the kebab master I'm just Larelle, I'll draw from friends experiences to validate what I've said.

Name: Wedding kebabs (joking I made that up I didn't pay attention).  But I'll revisit again for that flavour flav sometime soon.
Location: S-bahn Wedding at the bottom of the only set of stairs up to the platform.
Vegetables used: There was eggplant (juicy), roasted cauliflower which on appearance seems peculiar but they're roasted then coated in balsamic vinegar, roasted courgettes, fried potatoes and the usual toppings of lettuce and red cabbage. 5
Predominant flavour: creamy yoghurt roasted vegetable goodness, with a hint of balsamic vinegar. 5
Fat leakage: Well given I was so focussed on rating the kebab I failed to recognize the foil at the bottom unravelling and oil trailing all down my new beige pants (who wears beige pants right?  Well they're cool in Germany right now, H&M said so!). I mean the oil wasn't gluggy and immense it was pretty understated compared to some of those kebabs out there.  Tastiness aside, if the stain doesn't come out that's one expensive kebab. 3
Bread (pide, pita pocket, wrap): Uniquely they use 2 mini wraps, then roll and press with a kebab press. 4
Sauce used: Yoghurt, perfect company for roasted vegetables (consistency thin, flavour not too overpowering) 4.45
Suspected secret ingredient: Balsamic is original, so they get 5
Overall rating: 4.4

Note:  Our camera is currently in the hands of Panasonic Germany right now.  Unfortunately you cannot witness this beast or any alternative kebab.  I'm very hopeful that it will be only be 2 more weeks of photo-free blogging and I'll be back up and running.

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